笔记:Computer Architecture A Quantatative Approach(更新到第5章)

Computer architecture: a quantitative approach ch 1 Fundamentals ch 2/B Memory Hierarchy Design 基础知识 cache 性能优化 虚拟存储 virtual machine Fallacy Pitfall ch 3/C Instruction-Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation 编译器优化 ILP 循环展开 5 级流水 前递 乱序 Scoreboard Tomasulo 硬件预测 多发射 VLIW 分支预测 静...

笔记:Distributed Systems An Algorithmic Approach 2nd(更新到第10章)

Ghosh, Sukumar (2014) - Distributed Systems An Algorithmic Approach Ch 1 introduction Ch 2 interprocess communication naming rpc remote procedure call cloud computing MapReduce ch 3 Models for Communication shared variable 共享变量 linda mobile agent 模型强弱 resequencing protocol, 非 FIFO 模拟 FIFO 共享变量模拟信息传递 信息传递模拟共享变量 信...

笔记:Designing data-intensive applications(开始记录)

Designing data-intensive applications: the big ideas behind reliable, scalable, and maintainable systems Foundations of Data Systems Data Models SQL:关系型,key-value 对,关联程度一般 文档型:自包含文档,少关联 图数据库:数据大量关联 Storage and Retrival...

笔记:Computer Network by Tanenbaum(大概第6章)

Computer Network by Tanenbaum ch1 term 分层 ch2 物理层 信道容量 介质 调制 ch3 数据链路层 frame 检错纠错 hamming protocol 乌托邦式的单工协议 简单的 停-等 协议,无错信道 简单的 停-等 协议,信道可能出错...